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Feature Statistic Puerto Rico

Num. NamesFeature ClassFeature CodeFeature Description
Administrative Boundary Features (country, state, region,...)
902A.ADM2second-order administrative divisiona subdivision of a first-order administrative division
144A.ADM3third-order administrative divisiona subdivision of a second-order administrative division
78A.ADM1first-order administrative divisiona primary administrative division of a country, such as a state in the United States
10A.ADMDadministrative divisionan administrative division of a country, undifferentiated as to administrative level
1A.PCLDdependent political entity
1,136 Total for A
Hydrographic Features (stream, lake, ...)
252H.STMstreama body of running water moving to a lower level in a channel on land
104H.BAYbaya coastal indentation between two capes or headlands, larger than a cove but smaller than a gulf
48H.LKlakea large inland body of standing water
37H.CNLcanalan artificial watercourse
37H.RSVreservoir(s)an artificial pond or lake
35H.CHNchannelthe deepest part of a stream, bay, lagoon, or strait, through which the main current flows
21H.SHOLshoal(s)a surface-navigation hazard composed of unconsolidated material
9H.SWMPswampa wetland dominated by tree vegetation
9H.RFreef(s)a surface-navigation hazard composed of consolidated material
6H.INLTinleta narrow waterway extending into the land, or connecting a bay or lagoon with a larger body of water
5H.OVFoverfallsan area of breaking waves caused by the meeting of currents or by waves moving against the current
2H.SPNGspring(s)a place where ground water flows naturally out of the ground
2H.BNKbank(s)an elevation, typically located on a shelf, over which the depth of water is relatively shallow but sufficient for most surface navigation
1H.POOLpool(s)a small and comparatively still, deep part of a larger body of water such as a stream or harbor; or a small body of standing water
1H.HBRharbor(s)a haven or space of deep water so sheltered by the adjacent land as to afford a safe anchorage for ships
1H.STMMstream mouth(s)a place where a stream discharges into a lagoon, lake, or the sea
1H.STMSBlost rivera surface stream that disappears into an underground channel, or dries up in an arid area
1H.LGNlagoona shallow coastal waterbody, completely or partly separated from a larger body of water by a barrier island, coral reef or other depositional feature
572 Total for H
Area Features (parks,area, ...)
254L.PRKparkan area, often of forested land, maintained as a place of beauty, or for recreation
12L.RGNEeconomic regiona region of a country established for economic development or for statistical purposes
3L.PRTporta place provided with terminal and transfer facilities for loading and discharging waterborne cargo or passengers, usually located in a harbor
3L.AREAareaa tract of land without homogeneous character or boundaries
2L.INDSindustrial areaan area characterized by industrial activity
1L.RESreservea tract of public land reserved for future use or restricted as to use
1L.RESFforest reservea forested area set aside for preservation or controlled use
276 Total for L
Populated Place Features (city, village,...)
2,393P.PPLpopulated placea city, town, village, or other agglomeration of buildings where people live and work
77P.PPLAseat of a first-order administrative divisionseat of a first-order administrative division (PPLC takes precedence over PPLA)
24P.PPLQabandoned populated place
4P.PPLXsection of populated place
1P.PPLCcapital of a political entity
2,499 Total for P
Road / Railroad Features (road, railroad )
37R.TRLtraila path, track, or route used by pedestrians, animals, or off-road vehicles
37 Total for R
Spot Features (spot, building, farm)
722S.SCHschoolbuilding(s) where instruction in one or more branches of knowledge takes place
363S.BLDGbuilding(s)a structure built for permanent use, as a house, factory, etc.
181S.HTLhotela building providing lodging and/or meals for the public
178S.TOWRtowera high conspicuous structure, typically much higher than its diameter
163S.CHchurcha building for public Christian worship
103S.HSPhospitala building in which sick or injured, especially those confined to bed, are medically treated
76S.MALLmallA large, often enclosed shopping complex containing various stores, businesses, and restaurants usually accessible by common passageways.
60S.POpost officea public building in which mail is received, sorted and distributed
52S.MUSmuseuma building where objects of permanent interest in one or more of the arts and sciences are preserved and exhibited
43S.INSMmilitary installationa facility for use of and control by armed forces
31S.CMTYcemeterya burial place or ground
22S.AIRPairporta place where aircraft regularly land and take off, with runways, navigational aids, and major facilities for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo
15S.AIRHheliporta place where helicopters land and take off
14S.LTHSElighthousea distinctive structure exhibiting a major navigation light
14S.LIBRlibraryA place in which information resources such as books are kept for reading, reference, or lending.
12S.SWTsewage treatment plantfacility for the processing of sewage and/or wastewater
12S.PIERpiera structure built out into navigable water on piles providing berthing for ships and recreation
10S.MARmarinaa harbor facility for small boats, yachts, etc.
9S.BDGbridgea structure erected across an obstacle such as a stream, road, etc., in order to carry roads, railroads, and pedestrians across
8S.BCNbeacona fixed artificial navigation mark
8S.DAMdama barrier constructed across a stream to impound water
5S.STDMstadiuma structure with an enclosure for athletic games with tiers of seats for spectators
4S.CMPcamp(s)a site occupied by tents, huts, or other shelters for temporary use
4S.AIRQabandoned airfield
4S.RECGgolf coursea recreation field where golf is played
3S.HSTShistorical sitea place of historical importance
3S.RSRTresorta specialized facility for vacation, health, or participation sports activities
2S.UNIVuniversityAn institution for higher learning with teaching and research facilities constituting a graduate school and professional schools that award master's degrees and doctorates and an undergraduate division that awards bachelor's degrees.
2S.PKLTparking lotan area used for parking vehicles
2S.MNmine(s)a site where mineral ores are extracted from the ground by excavating surface pits and subterranean passages
1S.AIRFairfielda place on land where aircraft land and take off; no facilities provided for the commercial handling of passengers and cargo
1S.DCKDdry docka dock providing support for a vessel, and means for removing the water so that the bottom of the vessel can be exposed
1S.FTforta defensive structure or earthworks
1S.JTYjettya structure built out into the water at a river mouth or harbor entrance to regulate currents and silting
1S.MNQabandoned mine
1S.OBSRradio observatorya facility equipped with an array of antennae for receiving radio waves from space
1S.PSNnuclear power stationnuclear power station
1S.RESTrestaurantA place where meals are served to the public
1S.WHRFwharf(-ves)a structure of open rather than solid construction along a shore or a bank which provides berthing for ships and cargo-handling facilities
1S.WRCKwreckthe site of the remains of a wrecked vessel
1S.BLDOoffice buildingcommercial building where business and/or services are conducted
2,301 Total for S
Hypsographic Features (mountain,hill,rock,... )
574T.VALvalleyan elongated depression usually traversed by a stream
310T.MTmountainan elevation standing high above the surrounding area with small summit area, steep slopes and local relief of 300m or more
198T.CAPEcapea land area, more prominent than a point, projecting into the sea and marking a notable change in coastal direction
140T.ISLislanda tract of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water
97T.BCHbeacha shore zone of coarse unconsolidated sediment that extends from the low-water line to the highest reach of storm waves
53T.BARbara shallow ridge or mound of coarse unconsolidated material in a stream channel, at the mouth of a stream, estuary, or lagoon and in the wave-break zone along coasts
20T.RDGEridge(s)a long narrow elevation with steep sides, and a more or less continuous crest
18T.MTSmountainsa mountain range or a group of mountains or high ridges
8T.DPRdepression(s)a low area surrounded by higher land and usually characterized by interior drainage
4T.PLNplain(s)an extensive area of comparatively level to gently undulating land, lacking surface irregularities, and usually adjacent to a higher area
3T.GAPgapa low place in a ridge, not used for transportation
3T.ISLSislandstracts of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water
2T.PTpointa tapering piece of land projecting into a body of water, less prominent than a cape
1T.ISLETisletsmall island, bigger than rock, smaller than island.
1T.SLPslope(s)a surface with a relatively uniform slope angle
1,432 Total for T
Undersea Features (undersea)
1U.FLTUflata small level or nearly level area
1 Total for U
Vegetation Features (forest,heath,...)
16V.FRSTforest(s)an area dominated by tree vegetation
16 Total for V

Countries » Puerto Rico »
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