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It is thus important to include geographic information in RSS. Feed aggregators and reader software tools can use this geographic information to filter, group prioritize or simply display the item on a satellite image or map.
This draft show how the most relevant geographic information can be included in RSS.
<geonames:where> <geonames:geonameId>63256</geonames:geonameId> <geonames:lat>45.256</geonames:lat> <geonames:long>-71.92</geonames:long> <geonames:countryCode>AU</geonames:countryCode> <geonames:regionCode>NSW</geonames:regionCode> <geonames:city>Wollongong</geonames:city> <geonames:postalCode>2500</geonames:postalCode> <geonames:address>1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW</geonames:address> </geonames:where>countryCode : two-letter ISO 3166 country code