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GeoNames Webservice Exception

If a request for a geonames web service encounters an error the following exception format will be used for the returned document. GeoNames supports two flavor of web services : JSON and XML. The exception message returned is either JSON or XML and consists of a status element with a numeric error code and a message string.

XML Exception

Example :
  <status message="we are afraid we could not find a administrative country subdivision for latitude and longitude :51.03,-20.0" value="12"/>

JSON Exception

Example :
{"status": {
  "message": "we are afraid we could not find a administrative country subdivision for latitude and longitude :51.03,-20.0",
  "value": 15

Error CodeDescription
10Authorization Exception
11record does not exist
12other error
13database timeout
14invalid parameter
15no result found
16duplicate exception
17postal code not found
18daily limit of credits exceeded
19hourly limit of credits exceeded
20weekly limit of credits exceeded
21invalid input
22server overloaded exception
23service not implemented
24radius too large
27maxRows too large